General SimpleChat® Settings

When installing the add-in solution the system automatically creates a single SimpleChat Configuration entry record.


To update general system settings:

  1. From the Settings menu, select SimpleChat Configuration under the SimpleChat section
  2. Open the single SimpleChat Configuration record that is displayed in the list

The record holds the connection details to the SimpleChat server in the Server and Port fields.


In addition, it is possible to define for all channels and all the agents:

  1. Outgoing Protocol: protocol from CRM to the SimpleChat service, HTTP or HTTPS
  2. Max Per Agent: The maximum number of conversations that can be routed to a representative at the same time (that is displayed in the conversation pane).

The default setting is 5.

  1. Route: which activities will be routed to the SimpleChat panel, SimpleChat Conversations Only or All Types of Activities.

If All Types of Activities is selected, the routing engine will route any queue item associated to any type of activity, and the activity card will be displayed on the agent's SimpleChat panel

  1. Create Conversation: The default from version 2.0 onwards is Immediately, then the conversation is created immediately to avoid a long delay when switching from a pre-conversation bot to a bot that is activated from a workflow immediately after the conversation is created. After pre-conversation bot: The conversation is created only at the end of the bot, as was the behavior in previous versions


File Upload Section:

This section contains settings related to the general behavior of the system when receiving files from the customer. In addition in each channel additional behavior can be set for that channel only

  1. File Type Limitations: File types that a customer can upload: extensions that are allowed, extensions that are blocked, or do not limited
  2. Extensions: Extensions that will be allowed or blocked separated with commas
  3. Started message: A message that will be sent to the customer immediately at the beginning of the file upload process, even before whitening
  4. Completed Message: A message that will be sent to the customer upon completion of the file upload process successfully
  5. Failure Message: A message that will be sent to the customer if the file upload process fails for any reason, such as an invalid file type or an overly large file


One Time Password (OTP) section:

This section contains settings related to how an OTP bot works, an operation that allows a one-time password to be sent to the customer's mobile phone for customer authentication, which will allow the bot to continue operation only for those who have been successfully identified

  1. SMS Channel: the channel through which the one-time password will be sent for customer verification
  2. SMS Field: The schema name of the field in the contact or account linked to the conversation that holds the mobile phone number to which the password will be sent for verification
  3. OTP Message: The message that will be sent to the customer with an OTP code. Use {otp} to place the one-time password inside the message, for example "Your code is: {otp}"


Location section:

This section contains settings related to the behavior of a Location type bot action, an action that allows you to receive the customer's location, and later, based on the location received from the customer, location-based queries can be performed

  1. Location Provider: The location servicer provider used by the system to convert a location to an address and convert an address to a location. Currently only Google is supported
  2. Location API Key: The Google Geocoding API for converting addresses to coordinates and vice versa
  3. Max Latitude, Min Latitude, Max Longitude, Min Longitude: Provide coordinates of a rectangular area so that if the position provided by the customer to a Location type question is outside that area the bot will perform the follow-up operation Invalid Answer, instead of the follow-up operation On Success

See the How to locate coordinates sub section to learn how to locate coordinates of a specific point on the map or delimit a rectangular area on the map


Cognitive Services Section:

This section contains settings related to activating cognitive services to identify and present customer sentiment during the conversation. Requires the customer to have an Azure Cognitive Services account. Click here to view a list of languages ​​in which sentiment recognition us supported:

Location: The endpoint of the organization's Azure Cognitive Services account

  1. Endpoint Name: The endpoint name of the organization's Azure Cognitive Services account
  2. Key: The endpoint key for the organization's Azure Cognitive Services account


Store Conversation Transcript section:

This section allows you to define where the transcript of the conversation will be stored when the conversation is completed.

  1. SimpleChat: When a conversation is completed and this option is selected, the text will be saved in the SimpleChat servers
  2. Dynamics 365: When a conversation is completed and this option is selected, the text will be saved as a file attachment under the conversation

Note: Check this option to allow the system-built relevance search mechanism to search into the file


Other fields not shown in the form:

  1. Client Port: Port used by SimpleChat client components to access the SimpleChat services
  2. Token Duration: The Token duration used for SSO. Default is 24 hours if not set